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Is it alright for my male beta to lay down in the tank he came in because it is small environment. Your tasks for a betta with a long life starts before you even buy your fish. Of course, don’t let them starve like that if you want to improve their lifespan. Many stores don’t sell the Bettas till they are 6-10 months of age so that they will have the long, flowing fins and strong, rich colors that would attract buyers. When a betta fish purchased at a pet store, it is usually fully mature. This would give you more tank room to set up 2 automatic daily feeders. Hi so my fish like sleeping in the day time and likes to lay far away from plants.is she ok? Also be very careful buying baby bettas labeled females from fish stores because sometimes they are mis-labeled and turn out to be males. A betta retirement community hahaa that’s funny. Very informative thank you. 25 watt) heater with a built in thermostat for tanks 2.5 gallons and above. When you speak or tap the tank come up to say hello. Stick around, you'll learn a lot. Our Betta fish, Zsa Zsa recently died, and I am wondering what their expected life span is? Lifespan In the wild. Often times a new hobbyist doesn't know about the nitrogen cycle, water changes, proper tank setup and the foods they should be feeding them which causes disease issues and shortened lifespans. But don't overfeed it, as too much food can cause fatty liver disease (hepatic lipidosis), which can shorten your Betta's life span. Is there a way to use an automatic Betta feeder where both fish can be fed daily? The lifespan of a fighting fish depends on several factors. This was a very long question. Extended time in temperatures colder than recommended (less than 68 degrees) can hurt a betta’s natural immune system and lead to inactivity, refusal to eat, and susceptibility to diseases and death. He is smart and funny AF!!! Betta Fish Lifespan : 3 - 5 years, possibly longer. This is my first experience with bettas, I have only raised cichlids — I am sooooo impressed with these fish! Bettas should do well for over 3 years. Water conditions and maintenance (regular water changes and testing). I have a female betta who is about 4 years old who got SBD and now she sinks like a rock as soon as she stops swimming ever since. You should take note though that the Betta fish you see being sold in fish stores are usually from breeders. How long a betta fish will live depends on a variety of factors though. This is a temporary habitat since cohabitation is tricky with females and other fish, and not possible with males. While this is the average number, you can sometimes extend this by a year or two if you give them the best possible care. Of course, one factor is how old your betta fish was when you bought it. They don’t ask for much from us really… they do recognize you, and they do recognize what you say, or, show them… like the bottle of food pellets they see every day… they know it’s breakfast, or, dinner when they see the bottle… I taught my beta to come to me on command for their meals when I tap my finger on the rim of their bowl… don’t mind the bowl reference they move from their “condos”, to the mansion next month… I have the list of everything I need to buy for the big move, and am just as excited as my fish will be, once they get to move in!… : ), I make sure to rotate the five of them, so, each one gets a few days to spend playing with mommy… meaning their bowl is nearest to me, and I play hide and seek with them… or, pretend to scratch their tummies… I hold out the palm of my hand for them to pretend to sit on… as it’s as close as they will get to do this…. If you care for your Bettas properly and provide them with a large tank for them to swim in – with proper water condition – they will live for 3 years on average. This is the second most important piece of the puzzle if you want to maximize the lifespan of a betta fish. You want your fish to be happy and healthy so they can live as long as possible. Can you advise me on water changes and feeding? 1 gallon) this is not the correct habitat for them. This will cause stress and potential injuries which all can shorten the average betta fish lifespan significantly. Make sure you water is clean, try performing a 25% water change daily for 4-7 days and see if things improve. Keep Males Separate. Lifespan of Siamese Fighting Fish. And a smaller tank you have to change the water more frequently and when that happens the fish gets very stressed out and gets anxiety and that deals with its … The oldest reported betta lived to be 10 years old, and that is what we all should strive for when we want to extend our betta’s lifespan. The most significant factor in the life span of the betta fish is the general care and the conditions that you provide it with. Any advice would be so helpful! According to the Quick Tips inset, at least… Make sure you know how to identify the sex of them, especially if one turns out to be a male so you can remove it. In addition, it also helps your rumble fish heal from any scrapes or other exterior damages and thus increasing your betta fish lifespan. Betta fish are carnivores and need a varied diet rich in protein. The bloodworms could have initially caused the issue and maybe some level of swim bladder disorder which on occasion may never fully heal. They have a short lifespan. Stick to eating cereal out of bowls, not housing any fish in them! Took some time. Make Sure You Buy a Healthy Betta. Pet stores display betta fish in plastic cups because of their aggression and territorial nature. A betta fish is going to live a lot longer in a larger tank due to the fact that it will have less anxiety from switching waters on a weekly basis. In their current conditions they are all fairly docile. It get enough natural light. Love is beautiful. 35. All comments are moderated before going live. If I am remembering correctly, the cups in the stores, the way they are designed and curved actually limit or prevent each betta from seeing each other very clearly. The Betta fish in the wild has an average lifespan of 2 years. He is thinner and losing his color. So, how long do betta fish live really? He has helped me so much with my depression. I have 6 Bettas 5 gallon tanks. On the other hand, as much as 6 years can be quite possible. How long a betta can live is mostly based on the tank conditions in which they are kept. Also, just because pet stores sell small tanks and bowls (e.g. After all I can’t fit in their bowls…lol, Make your beta’s days eventful, adventuress, fun, and you will laugh, and love your little beta boy even more then you thought you could, just cause he’s a fish, doesn’t mean there isn’t a bond of affection you can build with your little beta buddy… : ), Mine look forward to being with me, as much as I am with them… print different backgrounds to tape to the tank each day… etc… there are so many simple, easy things you can create, just use your imagination… your beta will love you for it!… : ). Learn how your comment data is processed. One thing I was wanting to ask is? Do Betta Fish live longer in captivity or in the wild? Wild betta live, on average, two years. We’re not going to get into the exact parameters you need to be aware of in this post. Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish, are one of the most popular tropical fish to keep as pets for good reason. However, before you get too anxious, you should note that Bettas are resilient and can survive up to almost two weeks without food . Thank you! Even so, its rare for a Betta to live more than five years. Hi, Bryan, Since then, he’s been himself again, although as I described above. You would be blown away if you knew how many times we get asked: “how long do betta fish live?”. The common misconception that these fish don’t live for a long time is due to the fact of tank and living variables. Feed meaty foods to this carnivorous fish which loves eating insects. You want your fish to be around as long as possible, and knowing this will help you make that happen. However, much of this reputation is likely based on improper care over the years. When in the wild, a Betta fish feeds on larvae and insects. Because there are so many myths about the proper care for this species in captivity, their life spans are drastically reduced and almost always cut in half. Since they are so popular, nearly every pet store will sell them, so you won’t struggle to find one in your area. A good diet will help increase the growth rate, lifespan, and colors of the fish. 15 years has actually been achieved! Plus one 10 gallon. I raised his water temp to 80 degrees, stopped feeding him fish pellets, now feeding him peas. Do right by them, and they’ll be around for you to enjoy for quite a while! Look for any concerning signs before you buy your fish. With the right knowledge and passion, you can certainly expect your betta fish to live for 2-3 years. Many betta diets are very high in fat, which lazy betta fish just do not need. Generally, the Betta fish that we see in pet shops are six months old. I have two baby girl Betta fish in a 5 gal. Alternatively, you can slowly just do water changes, say 25-50% removal of the current tank water and add back in the new conditioned tap water. Getting a healthy betta from the start is a key factor in how long they will live. (The adults LOVE the mosquitos that I catch for them! I tried the pea thing but they didn’t eat it. Betta lifespan also depends on their diet. That’s quite a wide potential age range and there are a number of reasons for this. Second, always inspect your … Thank you. Reply from David C. Amazingly, betta fish live for 2 to 3 years on average. — repleat with MY blood, lol.) This may seem shorter than that of Bettas in captivity because the competition in the wild makes things less certain for Betta fish. I have two bettas in small bowls, have had them for a year and they don’t look very good. The average betta fish lifespan when kept in aquariums is roughly three years. The life expectancy of your male Betta fish will rapidly decrease if you keep it … While betta pellets are a great start, you should also be incorporating freeze-dried, frozen, or live bloodworms and brine shrimp to really get all of the nutrients they need. Being that they are picky eaters, finding the right food to make your betta happy can be difficult. I have made many changes but nothing is working. But he doesn’t eat food on the bottom just on rocks, sides of the tank. Thoughts or suggestions?? I have another female, Ruby, who has been in a 3 gallon tank alone with her snail for about a year or so and thought about adding her to the sorority tank, but I’m a little leary of how that may turn out. If you love your pet Betta fish and want to increase its lifespan then look at the nutritional need of your little buddy. How to Ensure your Betta Fish Lives as Long as Possible Buying your Fish. Most importantly, in terms of both a betta’s lifespan and its general health, is the … The other one is limited also but not quite as bad. Ruby and GA are veiltails, and I think Skye may be crowntail, but she’s still pretty small. It could be age, however, you should consider a leaf hammock or lowering the tank’s water to help him be able to get to the surface easier for air, and consider adding an air pump to oxygenate the water if you have one. I have a beautiful, sweet little betta who I love more than anything. I’m not really able to spend a lot of money on them. Avoid abrupt temperature changes and avoid colder temperatures at all costs. That’s amazing and definitely some of the oldest bettas I’ve heard of others caring for. Betta Life Span – Diet The diet of your betta fish also plays a major factor in extending betta life span. You can also add a lot of live plants or real driftwood can help, or lastly, they do have products that lower pH that you can find online or at your local pet store. I should note also, that Ruby was in with another fish when I first got her and she kept her distance, but he kept chasing her and nipped a fin so I removed her immediately. When properly cared for betta fish have a lifespan of some 2-5 years in captivity. I am an intermediately experienced betta owner, however, this is my first try with a sorority tank. www.piscespros.com - Ever wonder why most pet betta fish only live for 1 year or less when their natural lifespan is 2-3 years? Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. My Archie is 3 years old and I love him more than ANYTHING! On average, Bettas can live for between 3 – 5 years. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to adulthood in this glittering video. You should take note though that the Betta fish you see being sold in fish stores are usually from breeders. Again it’s only a 10-gal, but it’s heavily decorated with plants, a lounger, a cave, and a shell. You are correct, all you need is tap water with a conditioner (as long as your tap water is okay). It’s best to pick females that are of the same size and age if possible. Today, he had thawed frozen daphnia instead. This option is easier and should reduce potential stress. What exactly is Betta Water? Your email address will not be published. Just like any other animal, the average betta fish lifespan can change drastically depending on the level of care you provide. Betta Fish Types Betta Fish Care Colorful Fish Tropical Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Fish Aquariums Green Iguana Betta Tank Different Fish. In the wild, native to areas like Cambodia and Thailand, the betta inhabits rice paddies and still watered canals. However, it is not uncommon for well cared for bettas in an aquarium to live to 5+ years with scatter reports of them living to nearly 10 years. If you want them to live as long as possible, make sure you give them the best possible environment and habitat that allows them to thrive. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. You’ll notice that your betta is much more active and has a shinier color if his diet … I learn something new all the time on my Bettas. As such, the exact lifespan of your Betta will depend on the particular fish you have. Should I remove the seashell? Some betta fish are more resilient than others though. This often leads to betta keeping before doing the proper research on how to care for them. I have had him 2 years, got him out of a centerpiece from a wedding. I have a lot of leaf hammocks and other debris at the surface for her to rest on and keep the tank’s water low so she can get to the surface for air. For any fish, poor water quality equals poor health. Keep your betta’s water between 76 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and use pH strips to keep the acidity of the water between 6.5 and 7.5. !… no a beta doesn’t want to be kept in a cup alone!! I hope it’s not the case and the swim bladder regulating returns for your betta, but yes they are prone to the issue more than the other betta varieties. Why You Have A Cloudy Fish Tank (And How To Fix It), Why Your Betta Fish Is Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. This is not the case. Another leading cause to reduced lifespans is poor water quality. One past away at 10 another at 11 and i still have an oldest at 13 years of age. It’s always tough for me to answer this type of question but I will give you some general advice so you can make and educated decision and plan of action. But as a kid, I didn’t know how to take care of mine for the first time, second, third or others, and I never had one live past about three months. Males should never be in the same tank with other males, and other aggressive fish are to be avoided (here’s a more in-depth look). With the right genetics, environment, and care from the onset of a betta’s life, they can live up to 6 or 7 years or more. An Optimal Diet Can Extend Your Betta’s Life Span. This is our 2nd beta. The two most important elements are how old a betta is when you get him or her, and how they are cared for in captivity. This one is cupcake 2. or is that normal betta fish behavior? We felt that this was an important thing to point out just to help manage expectations for any new owners. Diseases from this can harm your betta and often lead to death from poor water quality. Make sure your tank has a top on it too because betta fish are jumpers and often leap right out of a bowl leading to their death. I’m not sure how you would use only one as distribution would probably be inconsistent at the middle of the divider – falling on each side. !… never ever!! In the wild, Betta fish are carnivores and will eat any kind of insect. When I purchased my girls, the store only had 2 baby girls so I got them and put them in their 10 gal tank together and it’s been about 3 or 4 weeks and they are doing amazing together! To help a betta fish live longer, feed it a healthy diet that consists of live food, betta pellets, and frozen fish food. Under the right conditions, betta fish can live between 2 and 3 years. The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), also known as the betta, is a freshwater fish native to Thailand (formerly Siam) and present in neighboring Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Vietnam.While colloquially known and marketed in the global aquarium trade as the "betta", it is one of 73 species in the genus Betta. I am confused about that. There are different answers on this question about Betta Fish. Good care and a healthy diet can prolong the lifespan of your Betta. How Long Do Betta Fish Live? The oldest recorded betta was 10 years old. Another great way to increase the number of years a betta fish lives is by keeping them in a proper tank. I have come to realize something… having had beta fish years ago… I now have five who are in condo’s for now, and moving to their luxury mansion next month… anyway, in the mean time, I’ve learned a lot by observing, and interacting with my betas…, I think some things about betas needs to be changed… first off, no beta’s are not out for blood(no pun intended), all the time, every moment of the day… that if you have other betas in separate bowls, tanks etc., but are next to each other… they will as I call it “display” to one another… they are like the bullies on the block showing how tough they are by displaying their gorgeous long fins…, It’s stupid to think that the males are only thinking of this… beta’s are smart indeed. In a 2.7-gallon I don’t see that being an issue. I also just purchased a brine shrimp breeding setup to hopefully provide nutritious live food. I’d recommend a larger tank if you have two betta’s. Has he calmed down around it yet? Betta fish are extremely popular, so it’s only natural that new and potential owners want to know how long their fish will be around. A 25% weekly water change was recommended. This is the average lifespan. He is in a 2.5-gallon tank with a filter. Make the right choice from the start. You now know the answer to the question “how long do betta fish live” along with the various factors that can impact their lifespan. I would leave them where they are, but algae has taken over, the filter is cavatating (which means it isn’t sucking the fry into it…) just not wild about the precariousness of this tank and think a 10 gal will be easier to control. September 16, 2019 Robert Freshwater Fish 0. The recommended habitat size for a betta fish is 5 gallons, with a minimum recommended tank size of 2.5 gallons. Can a Betta fish live in a jar? However, it is not uncommon for well cared for bettas in an aquarium to live to 5+ years with scatter reports of them living to nearly 10 years. Sororities can be tough…so always have a backup plan to remove one if they are just too aggressive for the pack. In captivity the average betta fish lifespan is about 3 years of age, but it is not unusual for them to live up to 5 years. Is there anything I can do to help them that doesn’t cost a lot? If your betta fish lives a year or two from the time of purchase, you have likely still been a good fish mom or dad. Thanks! Betta fish can be feisty and territorial, which can obviously cause problems if you’re trying to maximize their lifespan. It’s always unclear how they have been cared for when coming from suppliers, and unknown breeders. Thank you in advance! Happy and Healthy Bettas for Extending Your Betta’s Lifespan. I have a small algae eater called an otto sucker catfish. Lifespan of Crowntail Betta. Or is this actually enhancing his environment? The fish are in various species and the main difference between them is the colors and tail shapes – the commonest are Veiltail Betta and Crowntail Betta. Bettas tend to be a first-time fish keepers choice (or gift) because of their resilience and beauty. The typical betta fish life span is 2 to 3 years. When a lot of people research how long betta fish live they’re under the assumption that they’ll have their fish for their entire life. As a final recommendation, betta fish are tropical fish and require a steady warm water temperature in the range of 76-81 degrees Fahrenheit. I have had Brawny for about 2 years and want to have him around for a lot longer. They are carnivores in nature and require a high dosage of protein to survive. For example, there have been reports of betta fish living for more than five years. I’m a grandma! If possible, purchase a betta from a local or online breeder like Aquabid instead of a pet or big box store. I took the light away from my beta tank. I have a square glass 2.7 gallon tank and I read here that I really should not attach the filter that came with this tank since it is smaller than 3 gallons, so I have not yet. In the wild, the average betta fish lifespan won’t be quite as long as in an aquarium. Initially it was worse, and I fasted him 3 days and then fed him 1/4 pea. Do Betta Fish live longer in captivity or in the wild? The short answer to the main question asked in this piece is 2 – 3 years. Lifespan In the wild. However, stick to foods high in meats, fish, and shrimp. The betta fish lifespan is between 2-5 years. and any recommendations to what I should do?   Keeping the water clean by performing frequent water changes will help, especially if your Betta is kept in an non-aerated aquarium. Buying a young betta is important if you want to have them throughout most or all of their life too. Steps. How long a Betta fish can go without food depends on various factors, such as the fish’s age and overall health. !… at least in some pet shop displays, they can see each other… but!!! However, there have been rare accounts of some Bettas living for up to 10 years. I am feeding him 2 tiny pellets twice a day, morning and night. For this reason I wouldn’t recommend them being next to each permanently like that, but instead as an enrichment exercise for a 5 minutes or so. Article by Aquariadise. There are a number of reasons for this but they all have to do with the additional stressors and difficulties that they will face. Tank? Do you think by her being alone for so long, this would be asking for trouble? Your tasks for a betta with a long life starts before you even buy your fish. This is especially true if they are under 2 gallons in size. Ways To Help Them Live Longer Start With A Healthy Fish. Aquarium salt may also help for stress or swelling and slime coat activation. Let us continue reading, Lifespan of a Betta Fish … However, stick to foods high in meats, fish, and shrimp. For your primary question, it should only matter more in larger tanks where a heater might be in one area of the tank and not be able to adequately disperse to the rest of the tank. When other males come into a male Betta’s space, they will start fighting, which can decrease their lifespan … Which means they need visual stimulation daily… if their next bowl over beta male can share “display” time with one another great! They don’t live beyond 2-4 years. If a betta is cared for they can live five years or even longer. I just set up a 10 gal planted tank for a breeding pair that currently live in a 4 gal. While betta fish are often sold in small bowls or plastic containers, these are not the ideal conditions for a betta fish to thrive. Yet given the predisposition of betta keepers for the epic fail it might be good to at least cover the 17 top ways to kill your betta fish… A betta fish’s lifespan will almost always be significantly reduced if you house them in unfiltered and unheated bowls. Thats a perfectly normal lifespan. You can also use trusted quality spring water or a filtration unit like a Brita for tank fill ups and water cycling. In such a small habitat, their life span is usually reduced. Here’s what to be aware of from a high-level. First, try using Nutrafin Betta Plus Tap Water Conditioner for Bettas. If you are going to keep them healthy in the meantime, you should at the minimum do daily 10-20% water changes in the bowls. Make sure you are feeding an appropriate betta diet around 35% protein. I thought when I bought them that they could be in a bowl but since then I’ve learned that they need more room and a heater. Which might be why so many want to know the expected betta fish lifespan. Especially if you bought them from a shop that keeps them in plastic cups. If my pH is high and nitrates but other tests good what do I do ? The average betta fish life span is 3 to 5 years. Most people will have heard of Betta fish, they are infamous as one of the most aggressive tropical fish around. They are extremely hardy fish and will survive conditions that would kill other specie. Betta fish who are fed a good diet will appear to be healthier in terms of their growth rate, coloration, swimming patterns and behavior, and, of course, overall lifespan. A 1 gallon would require daily water changes while maintaining a constant temperature which is extremely hard to do and leads to constant stress. Betta Fish Lifespan Facts Published by happybettas on October 11, 2018. He is very affectionate, and loves me right back. A good diet will help increase the growth rate, lifespan, and colors of the fish. How many times are you feeding him a week. First, 10-gallons would be the minimum size for a sorority, and a 20-gallon long tank would be best. There are instances of a betta surviving for 9 years. If not, then you’ve got some work to do and you should definitely read our full betta care guide. Like any animal, the lifespan of a betta fish can be drastically impacted by the quality of its living conditions. I breed bettas as well as run a fish rescue program. The biggest dietary risk to bettas is overfeeding. We have such a bond, and I want to ensure he has the best and longest life he possibly can. It should come as no surprise that purchasing a healthy fish from a reputable supplier will... Focus On The Water Quality. No probably because as long as it is not direct light she should be fine. The … Although the Betta’s natural habitat is in streams, rice paddies, ponds, and … I saw it in shops being sold in what look like Deerpark water bottles. Some say 3-4 years, while some say 4-6 years. They can be easy to care for, and, under the right circumstances, they can live for several years. Usually, if nothing unforeseen happens, a Betta Fish will live about 2 … Good care and a healthy diet can prolong the lifespan of your Betta. This is their home, and if they don’t have an adequate amount of space it will cause stress and negatively impact their health. I think my beta is dying. Love is beautiful. Hello! Ive had a couple people joke that i run a betta retirement centre. 3. Sounds like you’re doing an excellent job and yes the 10g would be easier to control, but not at the expense of potentially disrupting things if that’s what you’re worried about? They eat but one especially is sick. Resting in the temporary housing is fine, but the betta needs to be acclimated to a new permanent habitat. The Betta fish, Siamese fighting fish, or betta as it’s known by its genus, is an elegant tropical freshwater fish that is popular as a pet and often housed in eclectic home aquariums. How Long Do Betta Fish Live: Wild vs Captivity Betta fish live in the wild, on average, 2 years Betta fish live in captivity, on average, 3 years Ideally, a 10 gallon divided tank so each fish has 5 gallons on each side. In order to extend betta fish life, you need a happy and healthy betta. Ideally, you’d have 4 maybe 5 females in this 10-gallon tank and no more (again the 20-gallon long would be better). Do not use distilled water because it has been stripped of the essential nutrients and minerals that betta fish need to be healthy. I never had any problems before I tried bloodworms, so I’ll never give him those agains. Keep in mind that most pet store bettas are about 1 year old when you purchase them. Bettas should do well for over 3 years. Keep your betta fish’s tank clean and consider using a filter to reduce ammonia, nitrites, and nitrites. Happy and Healthy Bettas for Extending Your Betta’s Lifespan. Bryan is the founder of bettafish.org and has been keeping and caring for betta fish for 10 years. You are correct in that providing a stimulating and varied environment is excellent to keep your fish from being bored. Also, you will get general facts about Betta fish in captivity and the wild. If you want to see them click this link to be taken to that section in our other guide. I have two Bettas and a divided 2.5 gallon tank. I just want to say I cannot believe I have had my Betta named Red Bull for 9 years I repeat 9 years!! This makes tap water safe for your fighting fish. Bulging eyes, faint colors, and any other external red flags will help give you a good idea. I think the real question here is: should a Betta fish live in a jar? Betta Fish: Care Guide, Lifespan, Facts And Compatibility. Hello! However, the fact is that they won’t thrive in those conditions. It also enhances the growth rate of Betta fish. lately, I been noticing my betta just sitting in the corners in his tank and I would sometimes see him swim around the tank in circles… should I be concern? The Betta fish, Siamese fighting fish, or betta as it’s known by its genus, is an elegant tropical freshwater fish that is popular as a pet and often housed in eclectic home aquariums.

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